Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Tendinous and Non-tendinous Healing After Tenosuture of Hand Tendon Rupture 手部肌腱断裂修复后腱性连接与疤痕连接的超声诊断
Conclusion The V Y tendinous flap is a simple and good method for treatment of old rupture of the Achilles tendon. 结论对于陈旧性跟腱断裂,小腿三头肌V-Y肌腱瓣修补术是一种方法简单、疗效满意的手术方法。
Plantar Flabellate Chaff and V-Y Tendinous Flap for Treatment of Old Achilles Tendon Rupture 跖肌腱扇形膜片和腓肠肌腱瓣V-Y成形术治疗陈旧性跟腱断裂